Happy 4th of July my fellow Americans! And happy Monday to all my other lovely readers! I have a quick and simple nail art post for you today. I'll get right to it.
This was my first time trying the fan brush technique (if my memory serves me well). It was quick, easy, and clean up was a snap because I protected my skin with a latex barrier. The end result looks a little like tie dye, don't you think?
What I used:
OPI Red Hot Ayers Rock-red
OPI Dating A Royal- blue
Powder Perfect Turtledoves- ivory
Colores de Carol Independencia- glitter topper
Seche Vite top coat
I hope you all have a fun holiday for those who are celebrating. Please stay safe! And if you live in my neighborhood, please use up all your fireworks today. I don't need any more nights of them exploding continuously while my kids are trying to sleep. Love, the Fireworks Grinch. :P