Friday, January 26, 2018

Colores de Carol Nerd Alert (Polish Pick Up February 2018 Exclusive)

Hello friends! I'm back as promised with another Polish Pick Up shade for February. This is Colores de Carol Nerd Alert and as you can see, Carolina was inspired by rainbow nerds. As yes, I have been eating the nerds in the photo. I'm not much of a candy person, but I couldn't resist! 

Nerd Alert is a clear base glitter topper packed with neon purple, pink, green, orange, and yellow dots, micro holo glitter, holo flakes and crystal chameleon flakes. The bottle is full of glitter so it was really easy to get a lot of glitter right off the brush. The neon dots are giving me life in this dreary January weather, and the flakes are a beautiful addition to the mix. Shown is one coat plus top coat.

Nerd Alert will retail for $11 and you can purchase it through the Polish Pick Up website February 2nd-5th.

Do these neon dots make you as happy as they make me? Let me know what you think in the comments below!