
Monday, December 9, 2013

Celebrating 100 Posts With 100 Polishes!

To celebrate my 100th post I wanted to do something a little crazy. What's more crazy than a manicure with 100 polishes?! The funny thing is, it doesn't even look like that many polishes. But I promise you, it is! I just know that there are some of you who will actually want to count each one, so I'll explain what I did. I didn't count base coat or top coat. The ombre base colors were made using three polishes. I started with Zoya Flynn on my middle finger. Then I added black polish to Flynn for the darker colors, and white polish for the lighter ones. Then one by one (yes, it did take forever!), I added in little dashes and dots, 97 polishes on top!

When I started this blog I honestly wasn't sure if I would make it this far! It was a huge learning curve at first, and I'm still learning things every day. There have been some memorable moments along the way, and I thought I'd share some of them with you...

My first post was my brave first step in bearing my soul, and my cuticles, to the world. I explained a little about how I came to have the crazy idea to start all this. I didn't have much of an idea of where I was headed with my blog, what I was going to focus on. I'm still experimenting with that, and in the process I've covered a lot of ground.

In September I participated in the 31 Day Challenge which was insane and stressful, and really pushed me to try new things. My most popular mani from the Challenge was my Day 17: Glitter nails. I had way too much fun with that post! Sarah from Chalkboard Nails featured it in her pick of Guest Post of the Week, as part of The Lipstick League. My Glitter mani and my Day 23: Inspired by a Movie Phantom of the Opera nails are my most re-pinned on Pinterest.

The manicure I am most proud of is my Day 27: Inspired by Art Bansky Nails, a true labor of love. It caused a lot of stress, was so much work, and then I basically took them right off! But it was totally worth it! It was recently featured in a BuzzFeed article titled, "The Year 2013 As Told By Nail Art".

I've enjoyed this adventure so much already. I can't wait to see what the next 100 posts bring!

I hoped you enjoyed my brief walk down memory lane. A huge motivation to keep going is all my loyal readers. Thank you so much for sticking with me, and for all your wonderful comments and encouragements! Let me know if there were any posts that were memorable for you!


  1. Wow! Well done for getting this far and for having the patience to do a whole 100 different colours on your nails! This is fabulous =)

    1. Thank you! It seems as though most of my ideas take longer than planned!

  2. Congratulations on 100 blog posts. It's a highlight of my day to read them and see what you've done. Keep it up, Emiline.

  3. How do you even think of something like this, much less have the patience to use 100 polishes?? Amazing :D

  4. This is the ONLY blog I really follow, and I truly love it. It satisfies my love and need for art, femininity, color, and fun. Thank you so much for sticking with this, as I would be so dang sad if I didn't have this blog to look forward to.

  5. I freakin love this!!!!!! I'm following by email now so i don't miss a gem like this one! :)


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