
Monday, July 21, 2014

Guest Post from Craftynail

Happy Monday to all my wonderful Society Sisters! Today I am thrilled to have Jacqui of Craftynail on the blog! She was the first blogger to reach out to me, which instantly made her somewhat of a kindred spirit for me. I was a little shy in the first few months of my blogging journey and she helped me break out of my shell. 

I did a guest post for Jacqui back in December where I explained a little bit about the origin of my blog name. For my blogiversary celebration I asked her if she would return the favor, because well, she owed me one. Kidding! :) If you haven't experienced Craftynail yet, I highly recommend you give it a visit. I always look forward to the variety of posts she has, with a fun peppering of humor that make them a joy to read. It's not just for the pictures kids! Let's read, shall we?

Oh hai! My name is Jacqui and I run a U.S. nail blog called I'm so happy to do a guest post for Nail Polish Society, know why? Emiline's was the first and only blog that I've asked to do a guest post for me over at craftynail (here it is if you'd like to see it). I love how karma works out like that. For today's post I'd like to talk about AVON for a bit. I read alot of nail blogs and I've noticed that not a lot of girls post about AVON. Not sure why. But personally, I'm a huge fan of AVON nail polishes! I think I own more AVON than any other brand of nail polish (Zoya is a close second). For fun, I'd like to show you my avon stash. It's weird, once I put them all together though it doesn't really look like a lot!

  craftynail avon collection

Here's why I love AVON:
  • In AVON catalogs they are usually on sale for around $3.49 each. Sometimes I can get them for as low as $0.99!
  • The brush shape is perfect for me. Although I typically like wide brushes, the slender AVON brushes work well for me. I rarely make mistakes or require cleanup when I use them.
  • The brushes are never defective. I seem to be a magnet for defective brushes, I swear if there's one bad brush in a lot it will find it's way into my hands. But as far as AVON goes, the only bad brush I ever got was on a special edition nail art skinny striper bottle. But the standard 'Nailwear Pro' regular-sized bottles, they always have good quality brushes.
  • The formulas are great. The cremes are fluid and are generally two-coaters. They are long-wearing also. I've heard people complain about AVON before, but honestly, all of mine are perfect!
  • They come out with new collections all the time! They've always got something new and trendy. My favorite is last year's Cosmic collection which are scattered holos.
  • Having an AVON lady is awesome. She drops your order off right at your house. Every couple weeks it's like, "AVON calling. Your order is in, Jacqui! When should I drop it off?" NOW NOW NOW PLZ!
Here's a little collage I put together for you showcasing some of my AVON nail art... avon nail art collage

The avon website says they're sold in 100 countries worldwide. Do you have an AVON lady? If not, they do sell their products online too. But if you have an AVON lady you'll save on shipping and the prices in her catalog are way better than online. Also, they come out with 'outlet catalogs' that have super duper low priced items. I got my Brushed Metals polishes for $1.99 and they are spectacular.
I'm actually giving away a bunch of AVON products at the end of my July OMD2 Nail Challenge that's running right now. If you're interested in a 31 day challenge come check it out at I hope to see you online!! I'm always on facebook, pinterest, twitter, tumblr, instagram and bloglovin.    
AVON calling! Lol, that's what I always think of when I hear the name AVON. I must admit every time I see Jacqui showcase an AVON polish, I want to check them out. I just haven't gotten my lazy self around to finding an AVON lady. 

I hope you all enjoyed a slice of Craftynail. Go check out her blog, and don't forget about her OMD2 Challenge. Anyone can participate and it's not too late! Thank you so much Jacqui for helping me celebrate my one year on the interwebz mark. Have a great Monday everyone. Cheers!

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