
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Neapolitan Ice Cream With Caramel

Recently I was having random thoughts about Neapolitan ice cream (random being the operative word). And like just about any thought I have nowadays, it leads me to wonder, 'How could I put that on my nails?' So that's how today's mani happened. I was reminded of my idea when I did last week's Quatrefoil Skittlette, with two of the shades looking a little like chocolate and vanilla. If I remember correctly, the brand we always bought when I was a kid had the vanilla in the middle. For this design though I kept the colors a little more muted and arranged in a gradient fashion. Then for a little more pizzazz, I added caramel sprinkles on top. Yum!  

The thing with me and Neapolitan ice cream is that I actually don't like the strawberry part. But when you're a kid and don't buy the groceries, you've got to make do with what you've got. Of course, I'm partial to the chocolate, so that's what I would help myself to first during my covert freezer raids. Then when the chocolate was all gone, I moved on to the vanilla. Then when someone else finally realized there was ice cream in the house, all that would be left was the strawberry portion. I would invariably be given the evil eye, but hey, you snooze, you lose!

What I used:
LVX Cashmere- vanilla
Sephora by OPI Casting Call- strawberry
China Glaze Below Deck- chocolate
Zoya Maria Luisa- caramel flake topper
Seche Vite topcoat

Anyone actually like all three flavors of Neapolitan ice cream? Do you know what multiple flavored ice cream I do love? Spumoni! Hey that gives me an idea for a manicure...

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