
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Turkey Nails

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! A while back on Pinterest I found this cute manicure by Jen at Polish and Pearls. It's been sitting in my "To Try" board just waiting for Thanksgiving to roll around. It is so cute that I didn't bother to try doing my own version, I just copied it straight up. She even has a helpful tutorial with the post too!

I noticed (have you?) that my last three posts featured nails with nude base colors. Not that it's a bad thing, I just hadn't planned it that way. My next mani will be very colorful, just you wait!

What I used:
OPI My Vampire is Buff-base color
(all the other colors were mixed, except the black and white for the eyes)

I hope everyone who is celebrating has a wonderful holiday with family, friends and yummy food. And to all my veggie friends, I hope your tofurkey is equally delicious!


  1. This is adorable! You recreated it wonderfully :)

  2. Hehe, I think I can recognise My Vampire is Buff even in the dark! :D I didn't read that your base color is My Vampire is Buff, I just thought - it looks like it. And it is it! :)
    I love this color! Best base ever! For me. :D

  3. Everything about this is perfect. The turkey is adorable and I love the placement of the feathers! A+!


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