
Monday, November 25, 2013

If You Were a Nail Polish, Which One Would You Be?

Thank you everyone for entering my giveaway, and for your loyal support for my blog! You guys are the best :). In case you missed the facebook post, Colleen B. was the lucky giveaway winner! I thought I'd give an update to say I got the package in the mail today.
Second, I wanted to share some of the answers to the giveaway entry question, "If you were a nail polish, which one would you be? Why?" Here's a little sampling:

  • Glow in the dark, cause they're cool!
  • I would be a holo because I love sparkle!
  • Vampy dark berry shade.
  • Loreal Burgundy Diva- the perfect colour, elegant and classy :)
  • I would be any glitter polish because glitter is just so sassy!
  • Top coat. (: It's clear and it's basically a necessity 
  • Zoya Paz, because it's bright and punchy, like me!
  • A jelly! Cuz I don't think they're ready for this jelly!
  • Any liquid sand glittery polish, because I'm rough on the edges, but there's a sparkle within me.
There were some great answers, am I right? I find myself agreeing with so many of them! So what's my answer? Hmm, good question. I could (and just did) come up with twenty different answers for just as many reasons. Well if I have to be decisive, and specific, I would choose... OPI I Don't Do Dishes. It's classically beautiful, the sparkle makes it fun, and.. I don't do dishes. :)

xx Emiline xx

1 comment:

  1. Haha. those answers are great :) I would agree with "glow in the dark, cause they're cool"!

    Also, I've nominated you for a Blogger Friendship Award:


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