
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tutorial: Candy Corn Nail Art

On Nail Polish Society's facebook page I promised I would work on bringing you all some tutorials soon. I had a really positive response to my Children of the Candy Corn Nails post the other day. I figured this manicure would be a good place to start. So here it is, my first tutorial!

What you'll need:

  • inexpensive makeup sponge
  • Elmer's glue or Scotch tape
  • white, orange, and yellow polish (the more opaque the better)
  • optional- small nail art or cosmetics brush for cleanup 

  1. After applying a base coat, apply two coats of white polish.
  2. Cover the skin around your nail with Elmer's glue and let dry completely. I store my glue in an old polish bottle that I emptied out completely in the trash can, and rinsed thoroughly with acetone. You could also mask off the skin with Scotch tape instead.
  3. Paint each polish color onto the makeup sponge, enough that it's well saturated.
  4. Dab the sponge a couple of times on each nail. Reapply the polish to the sponge as needed. Repeat this step until you've reach the desired opacity.
  5. Remove the dried glue, or tape.
  6. Clean up around the cuticle with a small nail art or cosmetics brush dipped in acetone. My favorite is an e.l.f. concealer brush I purchased from Target for $1.
  7. Apply top coat. A fast-drying brand such as Seche Vite speeds things up.
  8. Now you could leave it as is. Or for a little more pizzazz, you can add some glittery polish on top. Or stamp a design on top. Endless possibilities! 

Let me know if you try this for yourself! I would love to see it!


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