
Monday, October 14, 2013

33 Day Challenge Day 09: Indian

I got behind in the Challenge again because I was stuck on wanting to do something super creative and outside the box. Problem is, I never came up with an idea that I could translate into looking good on my nails too. So in the end I took my inspiration from a box of my Yogi Bedtime tea. I went off of the pretty two-toned patterns, with a little something different on each nail. I love these colors together. They have a dreamy quality about them, don't you think?

I started with three coats of Sephora by OPI Havana Dreams. Then I free handed all the designs with my striping brush and Essie Bikini So Teeny. I also used a dotting tool in a couple of spots. I had issues getting the polish to brush on the nail evenly, so it ended up taking a lot longer than I planned. That's nothing new though, every thing takes me longer than it should!

What I used:
Sephora by OPI Havana Dreams
Essie Bikini So Teeny
Seche Vite top coat

It's been a lot less stressful having this Challenge spaced out with only three posts a week. At the same time I feel like it's going to drag on for a long time! With all the advanced notice I have for these prompt I feel like I should have super creative ideas for all of them. Here is what is coming up in the following weeks. Let me know if you have any brilliant ideas for me!


  1. I love this - so pretty and colours so delicate :)

  2. I love Yogi Tea! I have three or four boxes of the stuff. Lovely nail design!

    1. I have a box of the Honey Lemon Throat Comfort kind at work--something in the building frequently gives me an itchy nose and sore throat, and the honey flavour is nice. I sometimes add extra honey ^_^ I like Healthy Fasting, Calming, their chai green and black are both nice, and the Vanilla Spice Energy blend is good. I seem to remember a nice cinnamon vanilla black tea but I can't find it anymore :( I have almost as much of an addiction to collecting teas as I do nail polishes! Hope you can try some of those flavours and that you enjoy them xx
      I think next time I buy tea I want to try their ginger and the "Women's Energy" kind.


I love to hear your comments!