
Monday, March 17, 2014

Luck O' The Irish Water Marble

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! This isn't a big holiday for me. Growing up we never did anything to celebrate except to wear something green to school. Even that was done without enthusiasm, I just wanted to make sure I didn't get pinched. Green is my least favorite color. Also, if I have Irish in me, it's marginal. I don't drink, and corn beef and cabbage has never sounded appealing enough to try to make. So there are my reasons for not doing anything special to celebrate. All the same, that doesn't exclude me from trying out some nail art for the occasion!

This mani is a little crazier than my recent St. Patrick's Day nails. In this mani I wanted to include some Leprechauns' gold too. I love how it sparkles! Don't you feel lucky just by looking at it?

I have yet to do a water marble with a consistent design. I basically can never get the polish to do what I want. So I just try to find a part that looks cool and go with it. My water marbling skills haven't changed since my first try, but I still have fun with it. I kind of like to be surprised by how each nail turns out.

What I used:

China Glaze Lighthouse- yellow gold glass fleck
Wet n Wild Fergie Glowstick- day-glo green
Sephora by OPI I Come in Peas- deep green
Seche Vite top coat

What do you think of the design? What do you do to celebrate St. Patrick's day? I love to hear your comments!


  1. This looks awesome! The gold polish is amazing!

    1. Thank you! I wish the gold polish didn't show the visible nail line, but the sparkles make up for it!

  2. Wow! Very well done!

  3. Incredible! Water marbling is such a cool technique!

    I heard someone at work the other day say that St. Patrick's Day is their favorite holiday. I don't get it. But I guess that's because I'm not Irish and I don't drink. It's not a gift-giving holiday or a candy-receiving holiday so it never felt like much of a celebration as a kid. Another co-worker explained to me that, in his family (he has significant Irish heritage), this holiday is like Thanksgiving and they would all get together and have a big feast. That makes a lot more sense to me.

    1. Yeah, there are some big fans out there. To each his own!

  4. I am so madly in love with this mani that I kind of feel like I'm going to cry. It is so beautiful. I love green, so this is just perfect. Water marbling is really hard for me, so I appreciate this even more. Thank you for sharing this with us!!


I love to hear your comments!