
Thursday, June 4, 2015

ALIQUID Lacquer Partial Austentatious Collection

I've waited for sooo long to post these photos. I know, I seem a little flaky (haha, get it? Hint: look at the nail polish) lately, I'm sorry. BUT I have three good reasons:
  1. We had about three solid weeks of rain with unpredicatable sunshine (making direct sunlight photos difficult impossible).
  2. I'm in the middle of Part 1 of a two part move. After living in our two-room condo for almost 12 years we are looking for something bigger because...
  3. I'm pregnant! This is number three for us. So for a couple months there I had been sick and tired. I'm over the nausea, and now I'm just tired and stupid (making writing 100x harder than it already is for me).
I don't know what the rest of my blogging year is going to look like. Most likely a little sporadic. Right now I'm just taking it one day at a time. But hey, some things just take a higher priority than my blog, as much as I love it. Thank you to all my lovely readers who haven't given up on me!