
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Melting Snow Drips

The saying goes that if you don't like the weather here in Utah, just wait five minutes and it will change. It's a cliche that I assume could apply to most places (except Seattle where it only ever rains). Nevertheless, it is very true about our weather here. Spring is such a funny and finicky season that is totally unpredictable. The weather can be a balmy 70 degrees one moment, and then snowing the next. The guessing game can be a fun adventure, as long as you don't find yourself caught in the snow wearing shorts and flip-flops. We can get unexpected snowstorms all the way up until June. They are usually short, and the snow starts melting as soon as they're over. Which brings us to... the melting snow was my inspiration for this Spring themed mani!

I was trying really hard to do this mani quickly. Both my kids decided to take a nap, and I never know how much time that'll give me. I think this took me just about an hour. An hour is pretty quick for me as I like to take my time. This is only my second time doing a drip mani (here's my first), and the drips didn't all come out quite as I intended. I think I'll practice this technique a little more and work on my drips.

Upside down drips! It's like watching the rain in reverse. :)

What I used:
Sephora by OPI Frankly I Don't Give A-dam- medium grey
Sephora by OPI Break A Leg-Warmer!- dark grey
Sephora by OPI White Hot- white
Sephora by OPI Meet Me At the Disco- glitter
Essie Bikini So Teeny- blue

What do you think? Do you like crazy weather? I am not a big fan of snow, but I LOVE storms! Maybe I should do a storm mani in the future...hmmm.


  1. I love storms too! As long as I have nowhere to be. :) Hooray for Spring. It means SUMMER is almost here!

  2. melting snow. i like it!
    Not to jinx myself, but it has been pretty nice this week in NY. There's still some random snow piles though. melt, dammit!

    1. Thank you! I know how you feel. I am so glad our big piles of nasty dirty snow are already gone.

  3. Another fantastic mani! I like the upside-down view. It looks like rain drops falling into a puddle.


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